Saturday, August 14, 2010

Windows Remote Assistance – Awesome Technology!

Feel like this sometimes?


Anytime my mom, dad, friends, or people at work need help with something on the computer {have a virus, can’t figure something out, want me to show them something}, I just log into their computer from my home computer. It works well because most people I need to help, don’t live close to me. Or I only have time during my son’s nap or at night.

I totally enjoy helping people learn more about technology! And I love to help in anyway I can. If you need help, just let me know!

Also, if you’re not into learning about technology {I’ll forgive you}, but need help, just let me know!

Here is the easiest method for me to log into your computer, depending on what operating system you use:

Windows 7

Windows Vista

Windows XP


Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need help! And I may not even have to log into your computer. We can just figure it over chat, email, or phone.

I don’t charge anything. I do accept goodies or other fun things though!


  1. Matt is still so grateful for all of your help. You are amazing at what you do. I fall asleep just thinking about it. :)

    I hate the comment format on this blog.

  2. I need to make an appointment... WIRELESS PRINTING!!
